乘地铁同站进出10分钟内免费吗 ——秒词邦背单词app
2024-05-06 17:28:26 来源:秒词邦 阅读:186






体验1 购买临时票卡3分钟办妥退票




体验2 扫码支付想退费麻烦不断







体验3 “10分钟原则”能够证明未乘车












北京日报记者 景一鸣 实习生 杨沁萱 文并摄


Smooth refund will bring more convenience to citizens and tourists

Is it free to enter and exit within 10 minutes by subway at the same station

Currently, most passengers take the subway by scanning the QR code to enter the station.

Leaving the same site within a short period of time will still result in fees being deducted.

On April 26th, this newspaper reported that a passenger who scanned the QR code and entered the Beijing Subway Airport Line quickly decided not to take the airport line due to a change in itinerary, but encountered difficulties in refunding fees. It is reported that the Shanghai Metro has recently launched a new regulation - no charge for entering or exiting within 10 minutes at the same station. If passengers have a temporary need to enter and exit at the same station, they can go to the station service center for manual refund processing within 10 minutes. Is there a similar regulation on the Beijing subway? Is the cash and QR code payment refund process convenient? The reporter continued to investigate this matter.

Experience 1: Purchasing a temporary ticket card takes 3 minutes to complete the refund process

From April 29th to May 5th, our reporter made multiple attempts to experience refund issues on multiple subway lines in the city using different payment methods. It was found that when passengers have a temporary need to enter and exit at the same station, the processing method for refunding temporary ticket cards is simple and convenient.

At multiple subway stations, the reporter first chose to purchase temporary ticket cards through self-service machines. When entering and exiting the same site during the experiment, the reporter considered two situations. The first scenario is to immediately inform the staff of the situation after swiping the temporary ticket card into the station. The staff can check the usage of the temporary ticket card and make a refund. Another scenario is that the temporary ticket card has already been put into the gate when exiting the station, and when seeking help from the staff, they cannot provide a voucher and can only ask the staff to check the record.

The experimental results show that regardless of whether passengers hold temporary ticket cards or not, the refund process can be completed within 3 minutes without encountering any obstacles during the process.

Experience 2: Scan the QR code for payment, but if you want a refund, it's troublesome

In contrast, it would be much more troublesome to get in and out of the same station and want to refund fees if you entered the station by scanning the code through Alipay, Beijing all-in-one card and other apps. Journalists use different apps for experience, and most apps deduct fees when passengers enter and exit at the same station. For example, at the Dongdan subway station, whether the reporter takes Line 1 or Line 5, the entry and exit time is only more than 2 minutes apart. The itinerary of the app also clearly records it, but the fee is still deducted when leaving the station. In such a situation, the station staff cannot handle it and can only allow passengers to contact the customer service of the company to which the app belongs.

Some of these apps have phone numbers for manual services, while others do not even have a phone number. Passengers need to enter a large amount of text in the problem feedback column to explain why they need to enter and exit at the same station, whether they can ultimately receive a refund, and customer service personnel need to report to their superiors. In addition, there are also some apps that display for a long time that the trip is "in progress" and not immediately settled when passengers enter and exit the same station in a short period of time. The passenger found that the itinerary settlement was not completed until 3 to 5 days later, and the result showed that the fee was also deducted.

When the reporter consulted some app customer service, it was found that in fact, there is already a "10 minute principle" on the issue of scanning and paying refunds for passengers entering and exiting the same station on the Beijing subway, which means that the time interval between passengers entering and exiting the same station does not exceed 10 minutes, and refund requests can be accepted. However, on the one hand, passengers are unable to seek direct refunds from staff at the station; On the other hand, many passengers have reported that the questions they are asked when seeking help from App customer service are often uncomfortable.

"Did you enter the wrong subway station? Where did you originally want to go?" Many passengers reported that on the subway airport line, such as Sanyuanqiao Station and Beixinqiao Station, some passengers mistakenly entered the airport line and returned to the gate. When preparing to transfer to the 5 or 10 lines, they were always asked such questions by the customer service of the payment platform. Moreover, passengers also need to switch to the 5 or 10 lines and scan the code to enter and exit the station in order to prove that they have indeed entered the airport line by mistake.

"Is it necessary to inform others of my destination? If I don't need to transfer to another subway line due to temporary circumstances, can't I get a refund?" The passenger believes that the "10 minute principle" should not only be a condition for accepting refund requests, but also a sufficient condition for the payment platform to automatically refund.

During the investigation, it was also found that some apps were deemed to have made normal payments for entering and exiting the same site within a short period of time during use, and even if customer service was contacted, the fees could not be refunded.

Experience 3 "10 minute principle" can prove that one has not taken a ride

In response to the passenger's suggestion that the "10 minute principle" should become a sufficient condition for automatic refund, the reporter conducted an experiment to prove whether it is possible to take the subway and return to the original station within 10 minutes, creating the illusion of not taking the train. The purpose of this experiment is to verify whether the "10 minute principle" can become direct evidence of not taking the subway.

In the experiment, the reporter selected multiple stations with shorter travel distances (about 600 meters between the two stations), such as Yonghegong Station to Beixinqiao Station on Metro Line 5 (only one station), and Dongdan Station to Jianguomen Station on Metro Line 1 (only one station). In pursuit of perfection, the reporter calculated the time from swiping the card to walking quickly to the platform, as well as the travel time, excluding waiting time. Calculations have found that the average round-trip time for passengers between these two short distance stations is 7 minutes and 35 seconds.

It should be noted that although it appears that passengers may have enjoyed subway ride services in extreme situations within 10 minutes, there are several conditions that need to be met simultaneously. Firstly, the journey between the two stations must be very short, and the travel time should be controlled within 2 minutes. Secondly, there is no waiting time after entering the station. When arriving at the platform, the train must enter the station exactly, and the same applies to the return journey. After getting off, the train facing the subway also needs to enter the station exactly. Thirdly, it is not possible to catch the rush hour of taking the train, as this will greatly reduce the walking speed inside the station, and passengers will have to take big strides from the gate to the platform. From the reality of the Beijing subway, it is difficult to meet these conditions simultaneously. The probability of entering the station at the fastest speed, taking the subway and immediately turning back, and then falsely claiming that you have not taken the subway is extremely low.

The reporter also simulated normal train situations in reality, such as waiting for trains and high passenger flow on the platform. After repeated train tests at multiple short distance stations, it took an average of 13 minutes and 35 seconds to travel back and forth by subway, while during peak passenger flow, it took 15 to 16 minutes. It is common to see that it is impossible to enjoy subway ride services within 10 minutes and exit from the same station.

Suggest allowing subway stations to play a greater role

Many citizens suggest that after a scientific evaluation, the subway company should determine a reasonable time frame as direct evidence of passengers not taking the train, in order to achieve automatic refund. This not only facilitates passengers taking the subway, but also provides convenience for many citizens with other needs.

In Beijing, the entrances and exits of subway stations are mostly located on both sides of the road or at the four corners of intersections. Compared to the sudden need to change itinerary after entering a subway station, the more common reason for passengers to enter and exit the station at the same station is due to making mistakes at the station entrance. If passengers find that their destination is actually a diagonally opposite intersection after exiting the station, crossing the road twice from the ground or crossing a pedestrian overpass can be troublesome. It can save a lot of trouble if they can walk through the subway station.

The investigation by reporters found that if various payment apps can support automatic refund at the same station within a reasonable time (such as 10 minutes), it can not only provide convenience for passengers at the wrong station entrance, but also provide important assistance for elderly and disabled people who need to cross the street.

Taking the North Yuan Road Station of Metro Line 5 as an example, this subway station also serves as a pedestrian overpass. The northern section of Metro Line 5 runs through Beiyuan Road, and there are not many places to cross the road on this section. In many areas, pedestrians need to detour to major intersections or cross pedestrian overpasses. Taking detours and climbing stairs can be a headache for the elderly and disabled. But at Beiyuan Road North Station on Line 5 of the subway, they can take escalators or disability elevators to cross the street from the subway station hall. The layout of the station clearly takes this requirement into consideration and has specially reserved a free passage. Pedestrians who need to cross the street do not need to purchase tickets, and can reach the opposite side of the road through this passage. Observing other subway stations, the reporter found that many stations cannot have separate free passages due to space limitations. If citizens can enjoy automatic refunds when passing through these stations, subway stations can play a greater role as transportation facilities.

The reporter also found that in terms of public services, subway stations can provide a lot of convenience for citizens and tourists. For example, when a pedestrian suddenly has a need to use the restroom and there is no public restroom nearby, it is really urgent. Most subway stations in Beijing have public toilets, which are located within the platform, allowing passengers to swipe their cards and scan the QR code before entering the station. If automatic refunds can be achieved for entry and exit at the same station in a short period of time, it can provide more convenience for pedestrians in urgent need.

According to media reports, a number of cities, including Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Qingdao, and others, have now implemented the "shared toilet" service in their subway and rail transit systems. Citizens do not need to pay the subway entrance fee to enter the station and use the restroom. I believe that with the better implementation of the "10 minute free entry and exit at the same station" policy, Beijing Metro Station will provide more considerate services for citizens and tourists.

Photo taken by intern Yang Qinxuan, Beijing Daily reporter Jing Yiming


  • 退费 refund

  • 乘地铁 by subway ; take the subway ; by underground

  • 进站 get in ; pull in ; draw up at a station ; pull in (a station)

  • 在短时间内 in a short time ; at short notice ; on short notice

  • 被扣 Be detained ; comforter anchor

  • 本报 this newspaper ; newspaper

  • 行程改变 stroke alteration

  • 服务中心 service center

  • 退票 return a ticket ; get a refund for a ticket ; return


[According to media reports], a number of cities, <including Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Qingdao, and others>, have 

[now] implemented the "shared toilet" service [in their subway and rail transit systems].


(media 为 medium 的复数形式。)

* Zhengzhou , Luoyang , Qingdao , and others 为同位语
* implemented 为谓语,采用现在完成时。
* shared 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
* their 为形容词型物主代词。other 为不定代词。have 为助动词。the 为定冠词。



according to根据,据(某人)所述
a number of一些,若干


medium ['mi:diәm]n. 1) (传播信息的)媒介,手段,方法  2) 手段,工具,方法
report [ri'pɔ:t]n. 1) 报告,汇报,记述  2) 报道
city ['siti]n. 1) 城市; 都市; 市  2) 全市市民
includingprep. 包括…在内
Zhengzhoun. [中国省市] 郑州
Luoyangn. [中国省市] 洛阳
Qingdaon. [中国省市] 青岛
and [ænd]conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着
other ['ʌðә]n. 1) 其他人, 其他的(事物)  2) 其余的人或事物, 剩下的人或事物
now [nau]ad. 现在, 目前
implement ['implimәnt]vt. 使生效,贯彻,执行,实施
share [ʃєә]vt. 1) 分享,共享  2) 共有,合用
toilet ['tɔilit]n. 1) 厕所,卫生间,盥洗室  2) 坐便器,抽水马桶
service ['sә:vis]n. 1) 服务,接待  2) 公共事业
subway ['sʌbwei]n. 1) 地下铁道,地铁交通  2) 地下人行道
rail [reil]n. 1) 铁轨,轨道  2) 栏杆,扶手,围栏
transit ['trænsit]n. 1) 运输,运载,搬运  2) 通过,通行,过境,中转
system ['sistәm]n. 1) 系统  2) (思想或理论)体系


Citizens do not need to pay the subway entrance fee to enter the station and use the restroom.


* need 为谓语,采用一般现在时。
* to pay 为不定式,作宾语。
* to enter 为不定式,作状语。
* use 为不带 to 的不定式。
* do 为助动词。the 为定冠词。



citizen ['sitizn]n. 公民
need [ni:d]vt. 需要,必需
pay [pei]vt. 1) 付(费),付(酬)  2) 交纳,偿还
subway ['sʌbwei]n. 1) 地下铁道,地铁交通  2) 地下人行道
entrance ['entrәns]n. 1) 入口,门口  2) 入场,登场
fee [fi:]n. 1) 费用  2) 报酬,服务费
enter ['entә]vt. 1) 进入,进来,进去  2) 成为……的一员,加入,开始从事
station ['steiʃәn]n. 1) 车站  2) 站,局,所  3) 广播电台,电视台
and [ænd]conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着
use [ju:z]vt. 1) 使用,利用,运用  2) 消耗
restroomn. (公共场所的)盥洗室,洗手间;公共厕所

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