2024-06-30 17:18:35 来源:单词很忙 阅读:174



















法国尼斯大学和巴黎综合理工学院的政治学教授文森特·马蒂尼(Vincent Martigny)表示,由于选举的方式,很难预测民意调查结果将如何转化为国民议会的席位。




The first round of voting in the French National Assembly elections may usher in the first far right government after World War II

The first round of voting for the new French National Assembly elections began on June 30th local time. Reuters believes that this election may usher in France's "first far right government" since World War II, "possibly a major change in the core region of the European Union.". The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) stated that this election "may create history" - the far right is closer to power than ever before.

Poll data shows that in terms of support, the far right coalition party National Alliance led by Marina Le Pen continues to lead, while the hastily formed left-wing coalition New People's Front ranks second, while Macron's centrist coalition "together" lags behind and ranks third.

Previously, due to the disastrous defeat of the French ruling party, the Renaissance Party, in the European Parliament elections in early June, Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly on June 9th and held early elections, which was seen by the outside world as a political gamble.

On June 29, 2024 local time, in the first round of French parliamentary elections held in Montreal, Canada, French citizens voted in the Royal Centre. (Visual China)

On June 29, 2024 local time, in the first round of French parliamentary elections held in Montreal, Canada, French citizens voted in the Royal Centre. (Visual China)

The two rounds of voting for the French National Assembly elections are scheduled to be held on June 30th and July 7th respectively, and the related election activities have ended at midnight on June 28th.

The first round of voting will start at 8:00 am local time on June 30th (14:00 Beijing time). Among them, the small town voting will end at 18:00 local time on June 30th (24:00 Beijing time), and the big city voting will end at 20:00 local time on June 30th (2:00 Beijing time on July 1st). At that time, the export poll results of the first round of voting and the seat prediction for the second round of voting will be announced. As for overseas territories and voters residing abroad, they voted the day before.

However, according to France's electoral system, it is difficult to predict the exact distribution of 577 seats in the National Assembly, and the final result will not be known until the second round of voting ends on July 7th.

On June 26th local time, Le Pen confidently stated that her National League would "win an absolute majority" (reaching 289 seats) and predicted that the party's chairman, 28 year old Jordane Baldella, would become the Prime Minister of France.

Reuters reported that if the National League really wins an absolute majority of seats, French diplomacy may enter an "unprecedented period of turmoil.".

Current president Macron previously stated that he will serve until the end of his term in 2027. Therefore, if Baldella becomes the Prime Minister of France, there will be a situation where the left and right camps compete for the right to speak.

Reuters pointed out that although there have been three instances of "left and right co governance" in post-war France, none of them have been led by camps with completely different ideologies.

Baldella previously stated that he will challenge Macron on international issues. According to reports, France may shift from being a "pillar" of the European Union to a "thorn in the eye" of the EU - with Baldella proposing to reduce France's annual contribution to the EU budget, disagreeing with Brussels on important positions in the European Commission, and overturning Macron's call for the EU to strengthen unity and achieve a "credible European defense system.".

On June 23, 2024, local time, in Paris, France, election posters at polling stations featured photos of the far right political parties "National League" Marina Le Pen and Jordon Baldella. (Visual China)

On June 23, 2024, local time, in Paris, France, election posters at polling stations featured photos of the far right political parties "National League" Marina Le Pen and Jordon Baldella. (Visual China)

In addition, Reuters pointed out that if the National League wins the National Assembly election, France's position in the Russia-Ukraine conflict will also be uncertain. The European edition of the US Politician News Network and Reuters said Le Pen had a history of "pro Russia", but Le Pen previously said that she supported Ukraine in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Reuters cited the latest poll results, stating that the National League leads with a 33% -36% approval rating, the Left Alliance New People's Front ranks second with a 28% -31% approval rating, and Macron's centrist alliance lags behind with a 20% -23% approval rating.

Vincent Martiny, a political science professor at the University of Nice and the Polytechnic Institute in Paris, said that due to the election method, it is difficult to predict how the poll results will translate into seats in the National Assembly.

According to France's 24 News Channel, if a candidate wins an absolute majority (more than half) of the votes in the first round of voting in their constituency, and their number of votes exceeds 25% of the registered voters in the constituency, they are directly elected, but this situation is rare. Most constituencies will require a second round of voting, and all candidates who receive 12.5% of the registered voters in their constituency in the first round of voting will participate in the second round of elections. The candidate with the highest number of votes will be elected. If no candidate meets the requirement of 12.5%, the top two candidates in the first round of voting will enter the second round of election.

The BBC mentioned that out of 49 million registered voters in France, over 2.6 million registered to vote through proxy, indicating a high voter turnout for this crucial election.

According to a report by global News Broadcasting on June 30th, Liu Mingli, a researcher at the China Institute of modern International Relations, stated that issues such as people's livelihoods, immigration, and policies towards Europe are currently the focus of attention for various political parties in France. As a far right political party, the current policy proposals of the National League are not very comprehensive and systematic. They only focus on a few issues that voters are concerned about to express different views on the current government. Therefore, the future direction of France's economic, social, and foreign policies will still face great uncertainty.

句子成分分析:(划分说明)  提示:框中标识可点击

Reuters believes | that this election may usher in France's "first far rightgovernment" [since World War ], ["possibly] a major change [in the coreregion (of the European Union)]."


believes 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
that 为连词,引导宾语从句。
usher 为谓语。
change 为谓语,采用一般现在时。
may 为情态动词。France's 为名词所有格。the 为定冠词。a 为不定冠词。



usher...in开创, 开启, 迎来
World War Ⅱ第二次世界大战
the European Union欧洲联盟


believe [bi'li:v]vt. 1) 相信,认为真实  2) 认为(……有可能), 把(某事)当真
this [θis]a. 1) 这(个)  2) 今,本
election [i'lekʃәn]n. 1) 选举  2) 当选
France [frɑ:ns]n. 法国
first [fә:st]a. 1) 第一的  2) 最初的; 最先的
far [fɑ:]a. 1) 远的,遥远的  2) 较远的
right [rait]a. 1) 正确的,真正的,真实的  2) 右边的
government ['gʌvәnmәnt]n. 1) 政府  2) 政体
since [sins]prep. 自(从)...以来, 从...以后
possibly ['pɔsәbli]ad. 1) 可能;或许  2) (强调惊奇、恼怒等)
major ['meidʒә]n. 1) 主修课程,专业课  2) 少校
change [tʃeindʒ]vi. 1) 改变,变化  2) 变换,改换
core [kɔ:]a. 1) 最重要的,主要的,基本的  2) 核心(信念,价值,原则)的
region ['ri:dʒәn]n. 1) (通常界限不明的)地区,区域,地方  2) 行政区

句子成分分析:(划分说明)  提示:框中标识可点击

(提示: 读句时出现中断。(原因))
Poll data shows that [in terms (of support)],
the far right coalition party (National Alliance led [by Marina Le Pen])continues to lead,
while the hastily formed left-wing coalition (New People's Front ranks second),
while Macron's centrist coalition "togetherlags behind and ranks third.


(led 为 lead 的过去式。)

shows 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
national 开头为定语从句,引导词 that 被省略。
led 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
continues 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
to lead 为不定式,作宾语。
第1个 while 为连词,引导状语从句。
formed 为过去分词作定语
new 开头为定语从句,引导词 that 被省略。
second 为谓语,采用一般现在时。
while 为连词,引导状语从句。
lags 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
第2个 ranks 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
that 为指示代词。People's, Macron's 为名词所有格。the 为定冠词。



in terms of...1) 从...方面来看, 就...而言  2) 依据..., 按照...
lag behind缓慢移动,发展缓慢,滞后,落后


poll [pәul]n. 1) 投票数  2) 民意测验,民意调查
data ['deitә]n. 数据;资料,材料
show [ʃәu]vt. 1) 显示出,流露出(情感、表情等)  2) 表明,显示, 证明
that [ðæt]pron 1) 那(个)  2) (在句中作关系代词, 连接从句)
support [sә'pɔ:t]n. 1) 支持,帮助  2) 支援,救助
far [fɑ:]ad. 1) 远  2) (指程度)远远,很,非常
right [rait]a. 1) 正确的,真正的,真实的  2) 右边的
coalition [,kәuә'liʃәn]n. 1) (两党或多党)联合政府  2) (尤指多个政治团体的)联合体,联盟
party ['pɑ:ti]n. 1) 聚会,宴会,联欢会,派对  2) (或 Party)政党,党派
national ['næʃәnәl]a. 1) 国家的,民族的,全国的  2) 国有的,国立的,国营的
alliance [ә'laiәns]n. 1) (国家、政党等的)结盟,联盟  2) 结盟团体,联盟
lead [li:d]vt. 1) 带路,引导,带领  2) 处于领先地位,最擅长于

vt. 1) 带路,引导,带领  2) 处于领先地位,最擅长于
continue [kәn'tinju:]vt. 1) (停顿后)继续,再开始  2) 持续做,持续某种状态,不断发生
while [hwail]conj. 1) 当...的时候:, 在...期间;  2) 而, 然而(表示对比或相反)  3) 虽然
hastily ['heistili]ad. 匆忙地, 急速地, 急躁地
form [fɔ:m]vt. 1) 形成  2) 成立,建立,创立
left-winga. 左翼的,左的
new [nju:]a. 1) 新的,刚出现的,新近推出的  2) (the new)新东西,新事物
people ['pi:pl]n. 1) 人,人们,大家  2) 国民,人民,臣民,群众
front [frʌnt]a. 前面的,前部的,正面的
rank [ræŋk]n. 1) (尤指较高的)地位,级别  2) 军衔,军阶,警衔

vt. 1) 把……分等级,属于(某等级)  2) 排列,使排成行
second ['sekәnd]vt. 支持,赞成(主意、建议等)
macronn. (语言)长音符;平调符
together [tә'geðә]ad. 1) 一起, 共同  2) 以使接触(或相结合);到一起
and [ænd]conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着
third [θә:d]num 第三

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