陈茂波:香港已引进50家重点企业 料可带来逾400亿港元投资
2024-06-29 22:56:21 来源:单词很忙 阅读:186

陈茂波:香港已引进50家重点企业 料可带来逾400亿港元投资

中新社香港5月21日电 (记者 韩星童)香港特区政府财政司司长陈茂波21日表示,自引进重点企业办公室在2022年底成立以来,香港已引进50家重点企业,会为香港带来超过400亿元(港币,下同)的投资。








Chen Maobo: Hong Kong has introduced 50 key enterprises and is expected to bring in over HKD 40 billion in investment

Hong Kong, May 21 (Xinhua) - The financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Chen Maobo, stated on May 21 that since the establishment of the Office for Introducing Key Enterprises at the end of 2022, Hong Kong has introduced 50 key enterprises, which will bring over 40 billion Hong Kong dollars (HKD) in investment to Hong Kong.

On the same day, Chen Maobo attended the "2024 Greater Bay Area Science Forum - Hong Kong Forum: Innovation driven Sustainable Development" at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and made the above statement.

It is reported that the forum aims to gather experts in the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation, science, and sustainable development research and practice, with a focus on exploring innovative solutions to promote sustainable development.

Chen Maobo stated that the SAR government has introduced multiple policy measures in recent years to consolidate and strengthen the advantages of basic scientific research, while accelerating the transformation of scientific research achievements, in order to develop "new quality productive forces" with Hong Kong's advantages.

Chen Maobo announced that since the establishment of the Key Enterprise introduction Office at the end of 2022, Hong Kong has introduced 50 key enterprises, many of which are large-scale innovative enterprises with cutting-edge technology. These enterprises will bring over 40 billion yuan in investment to Hong Kong in the coming years and create approximately 13000 jobs.

He mentioned that various plans to import talents have also made good progress, receiving about 290000 applications, of which 180000 have been approved. Currently, more than 120000 people have come to Hong Kong. according to the investigation, two of them came to Hong Kong to work in innovation and technology.

Looking ahead to the future, Chen Maobo believes that the Greater Bay Area has vast space for cooperation in innovation, technology, and green development, and will definitely take it to the next level. He proposed to coordinate and leverage the advantages of each city in the Greater Bay Area, promote better coordination between enterprises, universities, and research institutions with funding, and strengthen talent and technology exchange and cooperation.

Attending the event together, HKU president Cheung Cheung stated that the Greater Bay Area has a strong energy for economic and technological innovation, and Hong Kong has the potential to connect the Greater Bay Area with other regions around the world. He believes that Hong Kong's basic research is very good and can make greater contributions to the country in the future. The Hong Kong Convention continues to focus on talent cultivation, promoting innovation and research, encouraging interdisciplinary and global cooperation to achieve sustainable development goals.

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[Looking [ahead] [to the future]]Chen Maobo believes | that the Greater BayArea has vast space [for cooperation] [in innovationtechnologyand greendevelopment]and will [definitely] take it to the next level.


(has 为 have 的第三人称单数形式。greater 为 great 的比较级形式)

Looking 为现在分词,作句子状语。
believes 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
that 为连词,引导宾语从句。
has 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
take 为谓语,采用一般将来时。
will 为情态动词。the 为定冠词。



look ahead往前看
take...to...1) 把...带到..., 把...运到...  2) 把...拿给...  3) 乘坐...到...


future ['fju:tʃә]n. 1) [语法]将来式  2) 未来
believe [bi'li:v]vt. 1) 相信,认为真实  2) 认为(……有可能), 把(某事)当真
great [greit]a. 1) 好的,相当不错的  2) 大的, 数量多的
bay [bei]a. 深棕色的,枣红色的
area ['єәriә]n. 1) 地区,区域,地域  2) 面积  3) (物体上的)区,部位  4) 领域,方面
have [hæv]vt. 1) 有,持有  2) 吃,喝, 抽(烟)  3) 患病,出现(某症状)
vast [vɑ:st]a. 辽阔的,巨大的,庞大的,大量的
space [speis]n. 1) 空间, 空地  2) 太空, 外层空间  3) 空, 空隙
cooperation [kәu,ɔpә'reiʃәn]n. 1) 合作,协作  2) 协助,配合
innovation [,inәu'veiʃәn]n. 1) (新事物、思想或方法的)创造,创新,改革  2) 新思想,新方法
technology [tek'nɔlәdʒi]n. 1) 技术,科技,工艺,工程技术,技术学,工艺学  2) 技术性机器(或设备)
and [ænd]conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着
green [gri:n]a. 1) 绿色的,草绿色的  2) 长满青草的,绿油油的,青葱的
development [di'velәpmәnt]n. 1) 成长,发展,壮大  2) 研制,开发
definitelyad. 1) 明确地, 清楚地  2) 肯定地, 确实地
next ['nekst]a. 1) 下一个的, 紧接着的,接下来的  2) 紧随其后的,下一个的
level ['levl]n. 1) 水平,级别,层次  2) 水平高度

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The Hong Kong Convention continues to focus on talent cultivationpromotinginnovation and researchencouraging interdisciplinary and global cooperationto achieve sustainable development goals.


continues 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
to focus 为不定式,作宾语。
promoting 为现在分词,作状语。
encouraging 为现在分词,作状语。
to achieve 为不定式,作宾语补足语(或称复合宾语)。
the 为定冠词。



Hong Kong[地名] 香港
focus on...1) (将注意力等)集中于...  2) (将光)聚焦于...


convention [kәn'venʃәn]n. 1) 惯例,习俗  2) (政党等)集会,大会
continue [kәn'tinju:]vt. 1) (停顿后)继续,再开始  2) 持续做,持续某种状态,不断发生
talent ['tælәnt]n. 1) 有才能的人,人才,天才  2) 天才,天资,天赋
cultivation [,kʌlti'veiʃәn]n. 1) 耕种,种植,栽培  2) (关系的)培育,(品质或技巧的)培养
promote [prәu'mәut]vt. 1) 促进,推动  2) 促销,推销
innovation [,inәu'veiʃәn]n. 1) (新事物、思想或方法的)创造,创新,改革  2) 新思想,新方法
and [ænd]conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着
research [ri'sә:tʃ]n. 研究,调查,探索
encourage [in'kʌridʒ]vt. 1) 鼓动,劝告,怂恿  2) 鼓励,激励, 支持
interdisciplinarya. 多学科的;跨学科的
global ['glәubl]a. 1) 全球的,全世界的  2) 整体的,全面的,总括的
cooperation [kәu,ɔpә'reiʃәn]n. 1) 合作,协作  2) 协助,配合
achieve [ә'tʃi:v]vt. 1) (凭长期努力)达到(某目标、地位、标准)  2) 完成
sustainable [sә'steinәbl]a. 1) 可持续的  2) (对自然资源和能源的利用)不破坏生态平衡的,合理利用的
development [di'velәpmәnt]n. 1) 成长,发展,壮大  2) 研制,开发
goal [gәul]n. 1) 目标  2) 球门

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