2024-06-29 22:49:56 来源:单词很忙 阅读:173













Entering the Oasis Red City, "Fun Tour and Xi Shui" Gathering in the Summer

What kind of picture will be drawn when these colors, such as "red", "green", and mellow and elegant "white", are passed down from generation to generation? In the scorching summer of June, Phoenix Network teamed up with renowned cultural and tourism influencers Alasu, Luo Xiaoyun, and 11 local channels to form a "Beautiful China · Fun Tour of Xishui" exploration team. Through a four-day inspection, discussion, and sampling in Xishui County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, while exploring and telling the local customs and stories of Xishui, Phoenix Network also brainstormed and provided suggestions for the development of local cultural and tourism.

In the midsummer, warm groups gather and enjoy colorful water activities

Xishui County is located in the northwest of Guizhou Province, named after water. The three major water systems of Chishui River, Xishui River, and Tongzi River meander through a vast land of 3128 square kilometers, giving birth to the "Oasis Red City" that combines nature and history, landscape and culture. It has been awarded honors such as National Patriotic Education Base, China's Summer Resort County, Top Ten Ecological Leisure Tourism Cities in China, Hometown of ancient Tea Trees in China, and World Famous Wine production Area. Starting from June 17th, during a four-day itinerary, the "Fun Tour Xishui" exploration team led by Phoenix Net will shuttle between the bustling streets and quiet nature, experiencing Xishui's unique cuisine and rich wine aroma, and experiencing the local colorful ethnic culture and human fireworks.

On the first day of the journey, the first stop of the "Fun Journey to Xishui" exploration team was heading towards Jingshan Forest Park, overlooking the full view of Xishui County. The forest coverage rate in Xishui County is 58%, with over 20000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter. In the scorching summer of June, the gentle breeze dispels the heat brought by the sun's scorching heat, and the lush greenery brings a cool gift to the visiting team.

Subsequently, the visiting group entered the night market in Xishui city area with the night. When the delicious tofu skin hot pot was served and the rich sauce wine was poured into the glass, the hot and spicy food and the bustling night economy brought a different impact to people who came from afar. "Living in a small town like Xishui, one can not only be adjacent to nature, but also enjoy the convenience of modern life, with a high sense of happiness," sighed the members of the visiting team.

Guarding the Oasis and Red City, Revitalizing County Cultural Tourism

From a national level poverty-stricken county to a poverty reduction and hat removal county, a comprehensive well-off standard county, and then to one of the top 100 counties in western China, the development of Xishui cannot be separated from the continuous exploration of local characteristic cultural and tourism resources by the local government. The four colors of "red, green, white, and black" have condensed the diverse charm of Xishui as a tourist destination. In 1935, during the central Red Army's Long March, the first, second, and fourth crossings crossed the Chishui River. As the main battlefield and starting point of the Red Army's four crossings of the Chishui River, "Classic Red" laid the spiritual foundation of Xishui; 63% forest coverage, 1300 square kilometers of Danxia landform, and the best preserved subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest belt make "forest green" smeared on the geographical map of Xishui, making it an excellent place for people to seek summer vacation and recuperation; The major Baijiu enterprises scattered along the Chishui River like pearls have gone through thousands of years to precipitate the soy sauce and liquor civilization, making "mellow, fragrant and white" the synonym of Xi Shui and fragrant at home and abroad; There are 27 kinds of proven mineral resources in the county, of which the geological coal reserves are up to 5.2 billion tons. This "black gold" provides a strong guarantee for energy security and industrial development in Xishui, and is an important part of the diversified economic development of Xishui.

Starting from 2022, Fenghuang.com has been collaborating with Xishui County on content. "Seeking Taste of Xishui" focuses on local flavor cuisine and rural revitalization stories, while "Drunk Beauty of Xishui" starts from the unique natural landscape of Xishui, telling the production process and past and present life of soy sauce wine. Under the camera's recording, the unique charm of Xishui has also been discovered and seen by a large number of netizens, sparking widespread discussion on social media. This is the third time we have visited Xishui, and Fenghuang.com will also work with visiting team members to search for new cultural and tourism stories in Xishui, helping to revitalize the local economy.

At the Phoenix Net Xishui Multimedia Tour and "Beautiful China: Fun Tour of Xishui" expert Experience Tour Meeting, Chang Wensong, Deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Zunyi Municipal People's Congress and Secretary of the Xishui County Party Committee, gave an in-depth introduction to the highlights and outstanding achievements of Xishui's cultural tourism in recent years, starting from Xishui's "red, green, white, and black" four color resources.

In recent years, we have deeply implemented the development strategy of "combining wine and tourism, enriching the people and strengthening the county". Relying on the heroic, beautiful, ecological, and fine wine rivers of the Chishui River, we have seized the policy opportunities of the provincial party committee and government to build a world-class tourism destination, and the municipal party committee and government to build a national tourism resort in the Chishui River Valley. We have polished the brand image of the "green main production area, a new highland of soy sauce and wine" production area, and continued to create a tourism ecosystem with scenes, accommodation, and multiple formats. The drunken and beautiful water tour has gradually penetrated people's hearts, attracting a large number of tourists to enjoy the beautiful scenery, taste fine wine, and taste delicious food in the water. The overall cultural and tourism industry in the county presents a strong cultural flavor, full of fireworks. A good development trend with a good sense of experience, and the vitality of development is increasingly bursting

Sun Xuemei, Deputy Editor in Chief and general manager of the National Government Affairs center of Fenghuang.com, briefly introduced the relevant situation of the Fenghuang.com Xishui Multimedia Tour and the "Beautiful China · Fun Tour of Xishui" Expert Experience Tour. She said that in this media trip, Fenghuang.com will focus on experiencing the unique charm of Xishui Cultural Tourism in depth, such as Xishui's red culture, green ecology, and fine wine and food, and fully showcase the new image of Xishui Tourism in all aspects. Thirteen representatives of local channel editors from Fenghuang.com, including Zhang Weihua, editor in chief of Jiangsu Channel and Qingdao Channel, Wang Lei, editor in chief of Shanxi Channel, and Su Yue, editor in chief of Jiangxi Channel, attended the exchange. In the future, Fenghuang.com will strengthen communication and cooperation with Xishui, fully leverage its platform advantages, continue to do a good job in promoting and promoting Xishui's cultural and tourism industry, and assist in the high-quality development of Xishui's cultural and tourism industry.

句子成分分析:(划分说明)  提示:框中标识可点击

[In recent years]we have [deeply] implemented the development strategy (of "[combining wine and tourismenriching the people and strengthening the county])".


implemented 为谓语,采用现在完成时。
combining 为现在分词。
enriching 为现在分词。
strengthening 为现在分词。
we 为人称代词主格。have 为助动词。the 为定冠词。



in recent year近年
combine...and...1) 把...和...结合在一起  2) 兼备, 兼有


deeply ['di:pli]ad. 1) 深深地; 非常; 极其  2) 深刻地; 强烈地
implement ['implimәnt]vt. 使生效,贯彻,执行,实施
development [di'velәpmәnt]n. 1) 成长,发展,壮大  2) 研制,开发
strategy ['strætidʒi]n. 1) 策略,计划  2) 策划,部署
wine [wain]n. 1) 酒,果酒  2) 葡萄酒
tourism ['tuәrizm]n. 旅游业,观光业
enrich [in'ritʃ]vt. 1) 充实,使丰富,使富含(某物)  2) 使富有,使富裕
people ['pi:pl]n. 1) 人,人们,大家  2) 国民,人民,臣民,群众
and [ænd]conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着
strengthen ['streŋθәn]vt. 加强,增强,巩固
county ['kaunti]n. 县,郡

句子成分分析:(划分说明)  提示:框中标识可点击

We have polished the brand image (of the "green main production area, a newhighland (of soy sauce) and wineproduction area)and continued to create a tourism ecosystem [with scenesaccommodationand multiple formats].


polished 为谓语,采用现在完成时。
continued 为谓语,采用现在完成时。
to create 为不定式,作宾语。
we 为人称代词主格。have 为助动词。the 为定冠词。a 为不定冠词。



soy sauce酱油


polish ['pɔliʃ]vt. 1) 磨光, 擦亮  2) 修改, 修饰
brand [brænd]n. 1) 品牌  2) 类型
image ['imidʒ]n. 1) 形象,印象,声誉  2) (心目中的)形象,印象
green [gri:n]a. 1) 绿色的,草绿色的  2) 长满青草的,绿油油的,青葱的
main [mein]a. 主要的,最重要的
production [prә'dʌkʃәn]n. 1) 生产,制造,制作  2) 产量
area ['єәriә]n. 1) 地区,区域,地域  2) 面积  3) (物体上的)区,部位  4) 领域,方面
new [nju:]a. 1) 新的,刚出现的,新近推出的  2) (the new)新东西,新事物
Highland ['hailәnd]n. [地名] 苏格兰高地
and [ænd]conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着
wine [wain]n. 1) 酒,果酒  2) 葡萄酒
continue [kәn'tinju:]vt. 1) (停顿后)继续,再开始  2) 持续做,持续某种状态,不断发生
create [kri:'eit]vt. 1) 创造,创作,创建  2) 造成,引起,产生(感觉或印象)
tourism ['tuәrizm]n. 旅游业,观光业
ecosystem ['i:kәu,sistәm]n. 生态系统
scene [si:n]n. 1) 现场,地点  2) 场面,场景, 情景  3) 景色,风光
accommodation [ә,kɔmә'deiʃәn]n. 1) 住处,办公处,停留处  2) (accommodations)住宿,膳宿
multiple ['mʌltipl]a. 数量多的,多种多样的
format ['fɔ:mæt]n. 1) (总体的)安排,计划,设计  2) (出版物的)版式,开本

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