2024-06-29 22:38:16 来源:单词很忙 阅读:205


财联社6月28日讯(记者 王宏)今日消息,央行货币政策委员会2024年第二季度例会已在北京召开。对经济形势判断上,此次例会与二季度相同。房地产政策方面,例会继续强调了推动已出台政策落地见效,专家认为,预计下半年房地产政策或仍延续渐进优化模式。




















Second quarter meeting of monetary policy: interpretation by experts on real estate policy, reserve requirement and interest rate cuts, exchange rates, etc

Caixin News Agency, June 28th (Reporter Wang Hong) Today, the second quarter meeting of the central Bank's Monetary policy Committee for 2024 has been held in Beijing. In terms of judging the economic situation, this meeting is the same as the second quarter. In terms of real estate policies, the meeting continued to emphasize the promotion of the implementation and effectiveness of policies that have been introduced. Experts believe that it is expected that the real estate policies will continue to adopt a gradual optimization model in the second half of the year.

In terms of monetary policy orientation, the statement at this meeting is also the same as last quarter. But in terms of looking ahead to future policies, experts believe that the window for reserve requirement and interest rate cuts in the third quarter is expected to open. In addition, the central bank may directly and significantly guide the LPR quotation to be lowered in the third quarter when the MLF interest rate remains unchanged. Considering the performance of bank net interest margin, regulatory measures may guide a significant reduction in deposit interest rates in the second half of the year. In terms of the RMB exchange rate, experts believe that the key driving force in the future lies in the stabilization and recovery of the real estate industry.

Real estate policies may continue to be gradually optimized in the second half of the year

The meeting pointed out that China's economic operation continues to rebound and is steadily advancing towards high-quality development, but still faces challenges such as insufficient effective demand and weak social expectations.

Macro analysts from Dongfang Jincheng believe that this meeting's assessment of the economic situation is the same as the first quarter meeting. "Although the overall trend of recovery continues to be positive, represented by a decline in real estate investment and weak consumer spending, the macroeconomic characteristics of 'strong supply and weak demand' in the second quarter are obvious, and are prominently reflected in the price level. Behind this is the weak market expectations due to the sustained downturn in the real estate market and the scar effect of the epidemic."

"This meeting released the positive orientation of prudent monetary policy", said Zhou Maohua, a researcher in the financial market department of Everbright Bank. Considering that developed economies continue to be trapped in sticky inflation, the decision to cut interest rates is prudent, and domestic monetary policy needs to be balanced internally and externally. The first priority is to increase the implementation of the combination of policies that have been introduced, and fully unleash the policy dividends.

Zhou Maohua believes that in the current low price environment in China, the international balance of payments remains basically balanced, the economic structure continues to optimize, and there is still room for the implementation of conventional policy tools.

In terms of real estate policies, this meeting emphasized "focusing on promoting the implementation and effectiveness of financial policy measures that have been introduced, and promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.".

Macro analysts from Dongfang Jincheng stated that this mainly refers to the focus on effective implementation after the intensive release of new real estate policies on May 17th. High frequency data shows that there has not been a significant improvement in the real estate market in June, which may be related to the time required for policy effects to be released. It is also not ruled out that the adjustment of residential mortgage rates as the core may continue to increase the support policies for the real estate market in the future. It is expected that the real estate policy will continue the gradual optimization model in the second half of the year.

Expected to lower reserve requirements and interest rates in the third quarter, and deposit interest rates may face a downward trend

In terms of monetary policy orientation, the regular meeting continued to emphasize "paying more attention to doing a good job of countercyclical adjustment", "maintaining the scale of social financing and money supply in line with expected economic growth and price levels", "promoting a moderate rebound in prices", "promoting stable and moderate reduction in financing costs for enterprises and residents", with the same wording as last quarter.

In terms of future policy outlook, several industry experts have stated that the window for interest rate and reserve requirement cuts is expected to open in the third quarter, and monetary policy will continue to exert efforts in stabilizing growth.

In terms of reserve requirement reduction, the banking system has been in a state of abundant funds recently. Macro analysts from Dongfang Jincheng believe that another reserve requirement reduction may be implemented in the third quarter to encourage banks and other financial institutions to actively participate in local debt risk resolution through debt swaps and other means. In terms of interest rate cuts, considering the limited rebound in prices in the second half of the year, the role of interest rate cuts is irreplaceable, and the urgency of interest rate cuts is higher than that of reserve requirement cuts.

Zhou Maohua believes that, considering the internal and external situation, it is expected that priority will be given to reserve requirement reduction and structural tools in the future, and financial institutions will be guided to tap into the potential of interest rate marketization reform, maintain reasonable and sufficient liquidity, reasonably reduce investment and consumer financing costs, and promote the accelerated recovery of effective demand.

The meeting pointed out that we should improve the formation and transmission mechanism of market-oriented interest rates, enrich the monetary policy toolbox, give full play to the guiding role of the central bank's policy interest rates, release the effectiveness of the loan market quotation interest rate reform and deposit interest rate marketization adjustment mechanism, and promote stable and reduced financing costs for enterprises and residents.

Based on the recent statements made by the central bank to "downplay the policy interest rate color of other monetary policy tools" and "reform and improve LPR", as well as the fact that the net interest rate spread of banks is significantly lower than the "warning level", macro analysts from Dongfang Jincheng believe that it is not ruled out that the MLF operating rate will remain unchanged in the third quarter, and the central bank may directly and significantly guide the LPR quotation to decrease while lowering the 7-day reverse repo operating rate. In addition, regulation may guide a significant reduction in deposit interest rates in the second half of the year.

The follow-up analysis of the RMB exchange rate and the stabilization of the real estate industry

Recently, the exchange rate of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar has fluctuated downwards. As of June 28th, the RMB/USD exchange rate in overseas offshore markets hovered around 7.2973, falling below the 7.3 integer mark for three consecutive days during trading.

Regarding the RMB exchange rate, this meeting mentioned maintaining the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level, comprehensively implementing policies, correcting deviations, and stabilizing expectations, resolutely correcting pro cyclical behavior, preventing the formation of unilateral consensus expectations and self strengthening, and resolutely preventing the risk of exchange rate overshoot.

Macro analysts at Dongfang Jincheng believe that the rise of the US dollar index since June has led to a passive depreciation of the renminbi against the US dollar. However, in recent times, both from the perspective of the US China interest rate spread and fundamental changes, domestic factors have had little impact on the RMB exchange rate. In the short term, it is unlikely to introduce other measures to stabilize foreign exchange, except for continuing to play a regulatory role through the middle price. The key to determining the intrinsic momentum of the RMB lies in when the domestic real estate industry will stabilize and recover.

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Macro analysts (from Dongfang Jincheng) stated | that this mainly refers to the focus [on effective implementation] [after the intensive release (of new realestate policies)] [on May 17th].


stated 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
that 为连词,引导宾语从句。
refers 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
this 为指示代词。the 为定冠词。



refer to...1) 提到..., 说到...  2) 查阅..., 参考...
real estate房地产;不动产


macro ['mækrәu]a. 巨大的, 大量的
analyst ['ænәlist]n. 1) 分析者;化验员  2) 精神分析学家(或医生)
state [steit]vt. 1) 陈述,说明,声明  2) 规定,公布
this [θis]pron 这(个)
mainly ['meinli]ad. 1) 主要地;首要地  2) 大部分;大多
focus ['fәukәs]n. 1) 焦点  2) 焦距,调焦
effective [i'fektiv]a. 1) 有效的,产生预期效果的  2) (法律和规则)生效的,起作用的
implementation [,implimen'teiʃәn]n. 安装启用, 实行, 履行
after ['ɑ:ftә]prep. 1) (时间、次序或位置)在...之后  2) 仅次于
intensive [in'tensiv]a. 1) 短时间内集中紧张进行的,密集的  2) 彻底的,十分细致的
release [ri'li:s]n. 1) 公开,发行,发布  2) 释放,获释
new [nju:]a. 1) 新的,刚出现的,新近推出的  2) (the new)新东西,新事物
policy ['pɔlisi]n. 1) 政策,方针  2) 原则,为人之道

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[However], [in recent times]both (from the perspective (of the US China interestrate)) spread || and fundamental changes|| domestic factors have had littleimpact [on the RMB exchange rate]


spread 为谓语。
and 为并列连词,连接并列句。
changes 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
domestic 开头为陈述句。
had 为谓语,采用现在完成时。
us 为人称代词宾格。both 为不定代词。have 为助动词。the 为定冠词。



interest rate利率


however [hau'evә]ad. 1) 然而, 仍然  2) 无论如何,不管怎样, 究竟怎样  3) (与形容词和副词连用) 不管多么
recent ['ri:snt]a. 近来的,新近的
time [taim]n. 1) 时间  2) 时候  3) 时期,时代
both [bәuθ]n. 两者(都)
perspective [pә'spektiv]n. 1) (思考的)角度或方法,态度,观点  2) 透视法
US [ʌs]abbr ( = United States) 美国
China ['tʃainә]n. 中国
spread [spred]vi. 1) 蔓延, 扩散, 散布  2) 传播, 流传, 散布
and [ænd]conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着
fundamental [,fʌndә'mentәl]n. 基本法则,基本原理
change [tʃeindʒ]vi. 1) 改变,变化  2) 变换,改换
domestic [dәu'mestik]a. 1) 本国的,国内的  2) 家用的,家庭的,家务的
factor ['fæktә]n. 1) 因素  2) [数]因子,因数
have [hæv]vt. 1) 有,持有  2) 吃,喝, 抽(烟)  3) 患病,出现(某症状)
little ['litl]a. 1) 小的,少的  2) (用在形容词的后面)可爱的,可怜的,讨厌的
impact ['impækt]n. 1) 撞击,冲撞,冲击力  2) 巨大影响,强大作用
exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]n. 1) 交换,交流  2) (货币)兑换  3) 电话交换台,总机
rate [reit]n. 1) 比率,率  2) 速度,进度

以上是蜂贝为您整理编写的文章《货币政策二季度例会:关于房地产政策、降准降息、汇率等专家这样解读》的全部内容。蜂贝是国内权威分题型分考点背诵中高考/四六级考研/专升本/出国单词的专业单词软件。扫描如下小程序码,进入蜂贝官方小程序获取更多英语相关资料! 【关键词:高考单词;高考英语;高中单词;高中英语;单词app;单词软件;记单词app;记单词软件;背单词软件;背单词app;英语单词;四六级单词;四六级英语;四六级单词app;四六级单词软件;考研单词app;考研单词软件;核心单词;高考冲刺复习;高考英语教材;高考英语真题;四六级真题;四六级试题;考研真题;考研英语单词;考研英语真题】

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