2024-06-29 22:34:38 来源:单词很忙 阅读:112



















Accounting law Amendment! Heavy punishment for financial fraud, with a maximum penalty of 10 times

On June 28, the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress voted to pass the decision on amending the Accounting Law, which will come into effect on July 1, 2024.

This revision significantly increases the legal accountability for financial fraud. For illegal activities such as forging or altering accounting vouchers, accounting books, and preparing false financial accounting reports, the previous fine limit was 100000 yuan, but now it is 10 times the illegal income. For instructions and instructions to prepare false financial accounting reports, the previous fine limit was 50000 yuan, but now it is 5 million yuan.

"There are many noteworthy aspects to this revision of the Accounting Law, such as a maximum penalty of 10 times for illegal gains. This has a color of economic and transformative background, and is also a crucial step in promoting a more authentic accounting career. It plays a positive role in filling the gap in fulfilling the responsibilities of listed companies and accounting firms, hoping to effectively improve the problem of financial fraud in economic activities." Wen Jianning, a professor at Shanghai Lixin Institute of Accounting and Finance, told a reporter from Securities China.

Significant increase in punishment intensity

It is reported that the newly revised accounting law will merge Article 43 and Article 44 of the original accounting law as Article 41, and amend it to:

"Those who forge or alter accounting vouchers, accounting books, prepare false financial accounting reports, conceal or intentionally destroy accounting vouchers, accounting books, and financial accounting reports that should be kept in accordance with the law shall be ordered by the financial department of the people's government at or above the county level to make corrections within a time limit, given a warning or criticism, and their illegal gains shall be confiscated. If the illegal gains exceed 200000 yuan, the unit may be fined not less than twice but not more than ten times the illegal gains. If there are no illegal gains or the illegal gains are less than 200000 yuan, a fine of not less than 200000 yuan but not more than 2 million yuan may be imposed."

"The directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel may be fined not less than 100000 yuan but not more than 500000 yuan. If the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than 500000 yuan but not more than 2 million yuan may be imposed. If they are public officials, they shall also be punished in accordance with the law. Accounting personnel shall not engage in accounting work for five years. If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with the law."

In the original Accounting Law, the same illegal behavior was dealt with as follows: "The financial department of the people's government at or above the county level shall issue a notice and may impose a fine of not less than 5000 yuan but not more than 100000 yuan on the unit; the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel may be fined not less than 3000 yuan but not more than 50000 yuan."

In addition, the new Accounting Law also changes Article 45 of the original Accounting Law to Article 42, which reads: "Those who instruct, instruct, or force accounting institutions, accounting personnel, and other personnel to forge or alter accounting vouchers and accounting books, prepare false financial accounting reports, or conceal or intentionally destroy accounting vouchers, accounting books, and financial accounting reports that should be preserved according to law shall be warned, criticized, and may be fined not less than 200000 yuan but not more than 1 million yuan by the financial department of the people's government at or above the county level. If the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than 1 million yuan but not more than 5 million yuan may be imposed. Those who belong to public officials shall also be punished in accordance with the law. If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with the law."

The original accounting law's punishment for this was: a fine of not less than 5000 yuan but not more than 50000 yuan can be imposed; Those who belong to state employees shall also be given administrative sanctions such as demotion, dismissal, or dismissal by their unit or relevant units in accordance with the law.

Xu Feng, a lawyer at Shanghai Jiucheng Law Firm, told a reporter from a securities firm in China, "The new accounting law has significantly increased the punishment for illegal activities such as financial fraud. This means that the cost of financial fraud will increase significantly in the future with the increase of illegal gains, which can effectively curb financial fraud."

To curb financial fraud

Wen Jianning told reporters that the overall background of economic development has changed, and the revision of the accounting law is natural. It not only meets the development requirements of the new era for the accounting system, but also reflects the era's requirements for the reform of accounting standards in economic activities. Although the indirect financing mainly based on bank financial supply has maximized the resource value of land elements and formed corresponding accounting standards and reward and punishment measures, in the new development period of building Chinese path to modernization, direct financing mainly based on financial markets is more needed to build a more effective new model of "building the country through science and technology+financial power", so as to form a power source relying on "national system+people's wisdom", so as to establish a new track of "market subject+punishment for violations", which naturally requires the new accounting system to serve the new development requirements and form a new concept of combining leniency with severity and strengthening punishment for violations.

It is reported that as early as April 23rd this year, at the 9th meeting of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee, entrusted by the State Council, Vice Minister of Finance Liao Min gave an explanation on the "Accounting Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised Draft)".

With the continuous development of the economy and society, accounting work is facing new situations and tasks, and some new situations and problems have emerged, such as the lack of effective means and measures for accounting supervision, difficulties in investigating and punishing accounting violations, and relatively light punishment; Accounting information distortion, lack of internal control, especially accounting violations such as financial fraud and lack of internal financial auditing by listed companies, often occur.

This revision of the Accounting Law will maintain the current basic system, focus on solving prominent problems in accounting work, improve accounting systems, strengthen accounting supervision, increase legal accountability, and provide more powerful legal protection to curb accounting violations such as financial fraud.

The draft amendment to the Accounting Law increases the legal accountability for financial fraud. In line with the punishment provisions of relevant laws such as the Securities Law, the revised draft stipulates: firstly, to increase the fine amount for illegal acts such as not setting accounting books in accordance with the law or setting accounting books privately. The second is to increase the amount of fines for illegal activities such as forging or altering accounting vouchers, accounting books, and preparing false financial accounting reports. The third is to increase the fine amount for illegal activities such as instructing, instructing, and forcing accounting institutions, accounting personnel, and other personnel to forge or alter accounting vouchers, accounting books, and prepare false financial accounting reports. At the same time, corresponding adjustments have been made to the fine amount for directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel.

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(提示: 读句时出现中断。(原因))
Accounting information distortion,
lack (of internal control),
especially accounting violations (such as financial fraud and lack (of internalfinancial auditing))
often occur.


第1个 Accounting 为动名词。
especially accounting 为动名词。
auditing 为动名词,作介词宾语。
listed 为过去分词。
often 开头为祈使句。
occur 为谓语。



such as1) 例如,比如  2) 像……那样的,诸如……之类的


account [ә'kaunt]vt. 认为是,视为

vt. 认为是,视为
information [,infә'meiʃәn]n. 1) 信息,消息,情报,资料,资讯  2) 书的信息内容
distortion [dis'tɔ:ʃәn]n. 歪曲,扭曲,变形
lack [læk]n. 缺少,缺乏,短缺
internal [in'tә:nәl]a. 1) 内部的,里面的  2) 体内的
control [kәn'trәul]n. 1) 控制(能力),操纵(能力)  2) 限制,约束,管制  3) 操纵装置,开关,按钮  4) 管理权,支配权
especially [i'speʃәli]ad. 1) 尤其;特别;格外  2) 专门;特地
violation [,vaiә'leiʃәn]n. 违反, 违背, 妨碍
financial [fai'nænʃәl]a. 财政的,财务的,金融的
fraud [frɔ:d]n. 1) 欺诈罪,欺骗罪  2) 行骗的人,骗子
and [ænd]conj. 1) 和, 与, 同, 并  2) 然后,接着
list [list]vt. 1) 列举,把……列入一览表  2) 把……列表,列清单,造表
company ['kʌmpәni]n. 1) 公司  2) 陪伴
often ['ɔ:fn]ad. 常常; 经常; 时常
occur [ә'kә:]vi. 1) 发生,出现  2) 存在于,出现在

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[In line (with the punishment provisions (of relevant laws (such as the SecuritiesLaw)))], the revised draft stipulates: [firstly], [to increase the fine] amount (forillegal acts (such as not setting accounting)) books [in accordance] [with the lawor setting accounting books [privately]].


revised 为过去分词作定语
stipulates 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
to increase 为不定式。不定式短语作句子状语。
not setting 为动名词否定形式,作介词宾语。
第1个 books 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
第2个 setting 为动名词。
the 为定冠词。



in line with...与...符合, 与...一致, 与...接轨, 按照
such as1) 例如,比如  2) 像……那样的,诸如……之类的
in accordance with...按照..., 依据...


punishment ['pʌniʃmәnt]n. 1) 惩罚,处罚,刑罚  2) 粗暴对待,虐待
provision [prә'viʒәn]n. 1) 提供,供给,给养,供应品  2) (为将来做的)准备
relevant ['relivәnt]a. 1) 有价值的,有意义的  2) 紧密相关的,切题的
law [lɔ:]n. 1) 法律,法规  2) 原理,定律
security [si'kjuriti]n. 1) 安全,平安  2) 保护措施, 保卫部门, 安全工作  3) (securities)证券
revise [ri'vaiz]vt. 1) 修改,修订(书刊、估算等)  2) 改变,修改(意见或计划)
draft [drɑ:ft]n. 1) 草稿,草图  2) [财]汇票
firstly ['fә:stli]ad. (用于列举)第一,首先
increase [in'kri:s]vt. 使增长,增多,增加
fine [fain]n. 罚款,罚金
amount [ә'maunt]n. 1) 数量,数额(尤与不可数名词连用)  2) 金额
illegal [i'li:gәl]a. 不合法的,非法的,违法的
act [ækt]n. 1) 行为,行动  2) 法案,法令
not [nɔt]ad. 1) 不,没有  2) 不没有
set [set]vt. 1) 放,置,使处于  2) 布置,分配,指派  3) 树立,创立,开创  4) 设置,调整好,安排就绪
accounting [ә'kauntiŋ]n. 1) 会计, 会计学, 会计制度  2) 账单,账目
book [buk]vi. (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约,预订

n. 1) 书,书籍  2) 出版物,著作
or [ɔ:]conj. 1) 或,或者,还是  2) 否则,要不然
set [set]vt. 1) 放,置,使处于  2) 布置,分配,指派  3) 树立,创立,开创  4) 设置,调整好,安排就绪

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